Several US states, including California and Virginia provide residents with certain rights regarding their personal information. These include your right to view what information we collect about you, to tell us not to sell or share information that is linked to you, and to request deletion or correction of that information.
Please visit our Privacy Policy, if you would like more information about the personal information we collect and your rights.
At this time, only residents of the United States may exercise their rights on this site.
We’ve made it as easy as possible. Just visit the “Your Privacy Rights” section of our Privacy Center and select from the options within “Your Rights & Choices”. You may be asked for your name, email and region of residence.
For access or delete requests, you can submit a request on behalf of someone else through the Privacy Center.
If you are a parent or guardian, you may choose the option for making a request on behalf of a child.
If you are submitting a request on behalf of someone else who is not your child, you may do so with a power of attorney or with written permission.
We will attempt to process requests within 45 days. We may take an additional 45-day extension if needed, in which case we will notify you.
This is the US Wizarding World Privacy Center.
Residents of other countries, consult the Privacy Policy for choices available in your region.
Access Requests
Certain US laws give you the right to see a copy of personal information that we have collected about you. We’ll search our systems and if we find personal information associated with you, we’ll send you a report.
Delete Requests
If you want to erase personal information we have collected from you, you can submit a delete request.
We may retain certain personal information where we need it for things like providing services you requested, protecting against fraud or enhancing security, responding to law enforcement, or other internal uses permitted by law. If we keep your information for these or other permitted purposes, we won’t use it for anything else.
Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information
WarnerMedia does not sell personal information for money. We do transfer personal information to affiilates and third parties for limited purposes, such as to support, enhance or promote our products. Some of these transfers are “sales” under certain US state laws. We also “share” personal information with third parties to help serve advertising tailored to your interests.
Correct my Information
Some of the data you may want to correct can be updated through the appropriate settings in our apps and sites or through Customer Service.
If you are unable to correct your information with those apps and sites, you may submit a request to do so in our Right to Correct Page.
If you have issues or complaints with requests you’ve made, you may submit an appeal with your request ID at 1-866-324-3637 or [email protected].